Dzogchen – Great Perfection; the state of contemplation beyond the mind; mental processes not conditioning awareness.
Dzogchen is about resting in the “primordial state of pure awareness”. The term also derives from the “highest perfection” of the Vajrayana practice after the visualization of the deity and the mantra recitation is dissolved and one rests in the natural state of luminous and pure awareness. Dzogchen – Tibetan Great Perfection – is also considered as “The Zen of Tantra”. Dzogchen is a sudden path with gradual cultivation.
There exist three series of Dzogchen teachings: the Mind Series (semde), the Space Series (longde), and the Secret Instruction Series (mangagde).
The Mind Series (semde) focuses on contemplation, or the Nature of Mind. The principal method employed is Zhine, or fixating the mind on a single object of meditation, at first on a visual object, and later on an empty location in space. The emphasis is on Kadag, or the primordial purity – also called Tregcho, the total relaxation of body, speech, and mind.
The Space Series (longde) focuses on sky meditation.
The Secret Instruction Series (mangagde) assumes one knows how to get into contemplation through different means. The emphasis is on Lhundrub, the spontaneous visible manifestations of energies potential within the Nature of Mind.
The three tregcho guidelines for meditation are: resting one’s mind in dharmadhatu (semde), resting effortlessly (longde), and resting without accepting or rejecting (mangagde).
The Dzogchen talks about the eyes as the gates of wisdom. If there is a direct simplicity of mind, or tregcho, the light chains begin to stay and wait for your perception. In order to observe the vajra chains, you first have to develop a sense of carelessness at the dzogchen level; otherwise, they will not stop. When you have developed carelessness, noncaring, and spaciousness, they begin to slow down. If you have not cut through, you cannot see these visions. The more you cut through, the more these chains wait for you or actually come back to you. It is connected with the physical setup and speed of the brain. With this practice, you can actually see your own brain.
In Tregchö the appearances such as rocks and mountains remain as rocks and mountains. In Tögal the rocks and mountains break into pure light forms of rainbow light.
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu – Dzogchen 2015
If you are really be in your real nature, it can be also thoughts. Thoughts can arise. But you are not following that and you are not creating continually. You are knowing what you are thinking also. How manifesting in thoughts. But you are not becoming slave of that. In general we are following after thoughts. Then we have problem. So that is why then Garab Dorje, the most important teacher, is it called shadrol. Sha means arising, everything you are seeing, you have contact with objects etc., just that moment it is liberating. You don’t need a kind of anti-thought for liberating that, you don’t need any effort. Just be in that state. This is called Dzogchen. This is called Self-liberation.